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My favorite little red head, Hattie, turned the BIG TWO this past weekend and we all got to celebrate!  Miss Hattie is an independent and vivacious little firecracker that would choose to spend everyday picking flowers and playing in the backyard if she could.  There have been many times that I have arrived home to find little cups of wildflowers hand plucked and delivered by Hattie via the Radio Flyer.   When thinking about ways to celebrate her second birthday, there was no doubt that it had to be in the garden amidst all of her favorite things (flowers, dirt, trees, rocks, snails, etc…).

I was the amateur iPhone photographer for the day.  I tried but none of my tricks got her to look at the camera.  

“Hattie’s Seed Company” packets adorned the backyard along with Burlap, Sunflowers, Wellies planted with succulents and all sorts of other goodies.  Hattie’s banner was a joint effort created with love!

All of the guests participated and brought something special to add to Hattie’s Garden Party.  Abby (Hattie’s NINE year old niece) amazed all of us with her chick cupcakes.  Yes, I did say that she is 9 years old and she made these.  I will be sure to share her information when she opens up her bakery!

Thanks to Cookies by Design, we all got to decorate flower cookies.

Hattie decorated her cookies and then made sure she shared them with everyone.

 Happy Birthday Hattie!!!


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